

Prana is life energy, the vital force that flows through and nourishes all things. It exists everywhere—within the Universe, on Earth, and in every cell of our bodies. Subtly, prana reveals itself as light, radiating throughout all levels of creation. Its core quality is movement—a vibration tuned to the right frequency.

Living through light brings a sense of freedom and ease. It allows for flow, movement within stillness, and stillness within movement. When a person’s vibration reaches a certain level, their cells can begin absorbing prana—life energy—directly from their surroundings, from Earth, and from the Universe, an infinite, abundant source. The inner and outer sources merge, blending into a boundless harmony.

The term prana comes from Sanskrit, meaning “breath” or “vital force.” In Hindu mythology, it represents the totality of life energy, while in traditional Chinese medicine, prana is known as qi (chi).
Prana is the essential life energy every living being requires to function at the physical level.

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Many associate pranic nourishment solely with breathing, which is where the term “breatharian” originates. However, prana is life energy present in everything, everywhere. It can be drawn from Earth, from the Universe, from movement, sound, light, and touch—from everything our senses can perceive, both outwardly and inwardly. In an expanded state of awareness, prana can appear as vibrating particles in the air, as photon waves from the Sun, or sound waves from various sources. Personally, I feel it most deeply when I absorb sunlight, run, or practice qigong. Our bodies, like everything around us, are composed of quanta, with 95% of that space empty. This allows prana to be absorbed through the skin, directly into each cell, sensing the vibrational dance of each particle as it enters. The mind quiets, the ego softens, and Consciousness emerges. All begins to resonate in unity and harmony.

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Each of us receives a certain amount of pranic energy, and it’s up to us to consciously adjust our food intake according to our individual needs. Once we become aware of and embrace the concept of replenishing life energy directly, a shift occurs. At this point, each person can decide how much and what kind of physical nourishment they require. A large portion of the energy gained from food is used in digestion; denser foods place more strain on the body and deplete energy. Moreover, physical food brings in additional elements we don’t need—toxins and unwanted compounds that the body must process and eliminate, using even more energy.

Today, more people are exploring a pranic way of life. Teachers like Jasmuheen and Henri Monfort have helped explain pranic nourishment across Europe, and filmmaker Viliam Poltikovič’s documentary, We Live from Energy, We Are Energy, offers profound insights into this journey.

I see the transition to living from light as a gradual and holistic process. The first step is harmonizing all aspects of oneself—physically, energetically, and spiritually. For several years, I’ve been guiding others through pranic transitions. Initially, these were eight-day programs; now, I offer a 21-day experience, allowing people to live fully and actively without physical food. For those who are ready, this can be a powerful step toward profound transformation.

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Prana 4
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