We all seek harmony—a happy and fulfilling life. This state of being happens gradually, moment by moment, through each experience. It’s a path of understanding that our happiness isn’t shaped by what happens to us but by how we choose to respond.
Harmony – calm – awareness. When we find harmony, we connect with our Consciousness. And when we are conscious, we open ourselves to harmony. It’s a process of discovering ourselves and understanding the natural principles around us.
Harmony doesn’t need many words. It invites us simply to be, to observe what unfolds around and within us. We can respond to what we can change, while gently noticing, without reaction, what we cannot. And to find the wisdom to know the difference.
Many people struggle to manage their thoughts and the emotions that follow—or, conversely, to manage their emotions and the thoughts that arise. This can only be done by observing our judgments, expectations, and attachments. These tendencies pull us into cycles of scarcity and comparison.
We discover harmony and Consciousness by realizing we are more than the physical body, where most judgments and expectations arise. We are pure Consciousness, needing very little. In today’s world, we’re learning that true contentment requires only a few essentials.
Let’s keep exploring: Who are we, where did we come from, and where are we going? These are the fundamental questions of human existence.